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How is Dental Stone Formed?

How is Dental Stone Formed?

Dental health is an indispensable part of our overall health and affects not only the health within the mouth but also the overall health of our body. When we do not take adequate care of our teeth, we may face various dental problems. One of these problems is the commonly known dental stone. Dental tartar is formed when the plaque accumulated on the tooth surface hardens over time and not only creates an aesthetic problem, but can also lead to more serious tooth and gum diseases.

Stones, if not treated in time, can cause serious problems ranging from gingivitis to tooth loss. Therefore, it is of great importance to perform regular dental care to prevent the formation of stones in the teeth and to maintain a healthy oral structure.

What is Dental Stone?

Dental tartar is hard deposits, usually yellow or brown in color, that form when plaque accumulates on the tooth surface hardens over time. Plaque is a sticky layer formed by the combination of food residues, saliva and bacteria in the mouth. If these plaques are not cleaned regularly by brushing the teeth, they mineralize, harden over time and turn into tartar. Tartar can form not only on the visible parts of the teeth, but also under the gums. This can lead to the onset of more serious gum diseases.

The accumulation of tartar on the surface of the teeth and under the gums not only creates an aesthetic problem, but can also seriously threaten your oral health. Tartar can irritate the gums and cause inflammation, which can lead to gum disease, gum recession, and tooth loss. Additionally, the presence of tartar makes oral hygiene difficult; because plaque and bacteria adhere more easily to the rough surface of the dental stone, which increases the risk of bad breath and caries.

How is Dental Stone Formed

How is Dental Stone Formed?

Several main factors may be effective in the formation of dental tartar:

  • Inadequate Oral Hygiene: Not brushing and flossing your teeth regularly causes plaque to accumulate and harden. If plaque is not cleaned, tartar formation is inevitable.
  • Irregular Teeth Cleaning: Irregular teeth cleaning causes plaque to accumulate. Brushing and flossing daily can prevent plaque buildup.
    Saliva Composition: The composition of your saliva can also affect the formation of stones on teeth. Some people’s saliva contains more calcium and phosphate, which can cause plaques to harden faster and form stones.
  • Insufficient Water Consumption: Water is important for cleaning plaque and bacteria in your mouth. Not drinking enough water paves the way for plaques to remain in the mouth for longer periods of time and the formation of stones.
  • Wrong Nutrition Habits: Sugary and starchy foods accelerate plaque formation. If the teeth are not cleaned after consuming such foods, the risk of stone formation increases.
  • Smoking: Stone formation is more common in smokers. Smoking causes dry mouth, reduces the cleansing effect of saliva and facilitates the formation of stones.

How to Prevent Stone Formation

To prevent stone formation, methods such as regular tooth brushing, use of dental floss, regular dentist checks, healthy nutrition and avoiding tobacco products such as cigarettes are important. You can prevent the accumulation of plaque and the formation of tartar by brushing your teeth at least twice a day with the right techniques. You can clean the plaque between your teeth by using dental floss, thus preventing the plaque accumulated in areas where the toothbrush cannot reach from turning into stone.

Additionally, it is important to visit your dentist regularly and have professional cleanings to clean your teeth of tartar and plaque. A healthy diet, avoiding sugary and acidic foods, can reduce plaque formation and protect your teeth. Finally, avoiding cigarettes and other tobacco products helps you stay away from factors that accelerate stone formation and protect your oral health.

Dental Stone Treatment?

If stone has formed in the tooth, unfortunately there is no treatment method you can do at home. Dental tartar is a deposit that the dentist must clean using special tools. Stone cleaning is done through a process called “detartraj”. During this procedure, dental stones are removed from your teeth with ultrasonic devices or hand tools. Then, the teeth are polished and their surfaces are made smooth to prevent plaque formation.

How is Dental Stone Formed

Dental Stone Cleaning Fee

It is a procedure performed by. This process involves cleaning the hardened plaque and tartar accumulated on the surface of your teeth using special tools. Scaling is necessary not only for aesthetic reasons, but also for maintaining gum health and preventing more serious problems such as tooth loss.

Stone removal fees may vary depending on the experience of the dentist performing the treatment, the location of the clinic and the duration of the procedure. Additionally, depending on the amount of stones and your gum health, the difficulty of the procedure may also affect the fees. Therefore, the best step would be to consult a dentist to get an exact price information. Regular dental cleanings are one of the most important investments you can make to protect your oral health in the long term.



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