Aesthetic fillings have an important place among today’s advanced dentistry practices. Offering superior features in terms of aesthetics and functionality, this procedure is an effective method in treating tooth decay as well as improving the general appearance of teeth. These fillings combine the durability advantages offered by traditional metal fillings with an inconspicuous and more natural alternative that matches the natural tooth color.

Providing an appearance extremely close to the natural tooth color and structure, these fillings are advantageous not only in terms of aesthetics but also in terms of biyouyumluluk and durability. Unlike metal fillings, these fillings make your smile brighter and more natural while minimizing the risk of any allergic reactions. In this way, these fillings meet expectations in terms of both health and aesthetics. With these fillings, you can not only add attractiveness to your smile, but also protect your long-term dental health.

Why Aesthetic Filling


Estetik Dolgu

How is an Aesthetic Filling Done?

Advantages of Aesthetic Filling


Estetik Dolgu

Aesthetic Filling Prices

Aesthetic filling is a method used in dentistry to repair cavities and improve the overall appearance of teeth. Aesthetic fillings offer a more natural appearance compared to traditional amalgam fillings and are usually made of composite resin or porcelain materials. Factors such as the size of the filling, its complexity, the type of material used, the experience and expertise of the dentist, and the location of the clinic are important factors that affect the cost of an aesthetic filling. Services in clinics located in high-cost areas such as the city center can generally have higher fees.

In addition, the dentist’s method of application and the need for additional treatments during the filling process are also among the factors that determine the cost. When choosing an aesthetic filling, it is important to consider the protection of dental health, the provision of an aesthetic appearance, and long-term maintenance costs. Aesthetic filling is an effective method to repair tooth decay and improve the appearance of teeth. Although there are many factors that affect the cost, it is seen as a valuable investment in terms of protecting dental health and providing an aesthetic appearance.




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