Diş Taşı Nasıl Oluşur

How is Dental Stone Formed?

How is Dental Stone Formed? Dental health is an indispensable part of our overall health and affects not only the health within the mouth but also the overall health of our body. When we do not take adequate care of our teeth, we may face various dental problems. One of these problems is the commonly known dental stone. Dental tartar …

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Gülüş Tasarımı

Smile Design

Smile Design Smile design is a concept that has become increasingly popular in recent years as a part of aesthetic dentistry. While people’s facial expressions reflect their mood and character, their smiles are the most obvious of these expressions. It covers a series of dental treatments aimed at helping individuals have a natural and aesthetic smile. This process is not …

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diş dolgusu

Dental Filling

Dental Filling Dental health is one of the most fundamental elements of our overall health. Our teeth initiate the first step of digestion by chewing food, and this process is vital for the absorption of nutrients our body needs. However, our teeth play an important role not only in digestion but also in speech function; Without our teeth, it becomes …

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diş ağrısı


Toothache Toothache is an annoying and often unexpected health problem that almost everyone encounters at least once in their life. This pain occurs as a result of irritation of the sensitive nerves inside the tooth for various reasons, and while it sometimes starts as a mild aching, it can turn into severe and unbearable pain over time. Toothache is not …

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Estetik Dolgu

Aesthetic Filling

Aesthetic Filling Aesthetic filling has an important place among today’s advanced dentistry applications. This procedure, which offers superior features in terms of aesthetics and functionality, is an effective method in treating tooth decay as well as improving the general appearance of the teeth. These fillings combine the durability benefits of traditional metal fillings with an inconspicuous, more natural alternative that …

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